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Person reading a tablet outside near a lake at sunset reading a blog from The Lost labia Chronicles on their ipad.

Subscribe to TLLC

Keep reading to learn more about why you should subscribe to The Lost Labia Chronicles. Scroll to the bottom to fill out the form to get on the list and make sure you never miss any juicy updates and content releases.

Welcome to the Lost Labia Chronicles (aka TLLC)!

Do YOU have Lichen Sclerosus? Do you want to learn more about Lichen Sclerosus? Perhaps you have a friend/loved one with lichen sclerosus? Do you want to empower yourself with information, find acceptance, and reclaim your life?

TLLC includes a blog and YouTube about all things lichen sclerosus. TLLC focuses on the sexual health and mental health aspects of living with Lichen Sclerosus.

Lichen Sclerosus can be a very heavy diagnosis; it definitely was for me. Living with lichen sclerosus can feel isolating. However, education and support can help alleviate feelings of isolation. Our mission at TLLC is to help you feel seen and heard in your struggles and to provide you with the resources and tools you need to reclaim your life and find acceptance.

If you want to make sure you do not miss any lichen sclerosus blogs, videos, projects, events, ebooks, etc., be sure to sign up for TLLC’s newsletter.