
The Lost Labia Chronicles

Your one-stop shop for all things lichen sclerosus

Education and support resources for all your needs

The Lost Labia Chronicles

Your one-stop shop for all things lichen sclerosus

Find education and support resources for all your needs

Is TLLC for me?

Are you newly diagnosed with lichen sclerosus and are overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting information on the Internet?

Are you looking for a trustworthy source to share evidence-based information about lichen sclerosus in a way that is easy to understand and digestible?

Has your mental health taken a hit since being diagnosed with LS?

Have you been hoping to find evidence-based information as well as sexual health and mental health support resources all in one place?

Do you want to feel seen and heard in your experience and struggles with lichen sclerosus?

Are you looking for a glimmer of hope in what can sometimes be a very dark and scary diagnosis?

Are you looking to empower yourself with information, find acceptance, and reclaim your life?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you are in the right place.

I created The Lost Labia Chronicles just for you!

What Exactly is The Lost Labia Chronicles (aka TLLC)

TLLC is a content hub for lichen sclerosus information and support. This includes:

Image of a person working on a copmuter.

A Blog

Topics are evidence-based or based on my lived experience with mental health and sexual health

Image of a person with dark brown skin and short, dark brown hair wearing a yellow long sleeve shirt with a headset on at their computer. There is an opaque orange box with text that reads "1:1 Lichen Sclerosus Peer Support Call " in bold and "For more details go to my website or email/DM me".

1:1 LS Peer Support Calls

Individualized advice, guidance, and support for all your LS needs.

Webinars & Workshops

Educational workshops to help support you on your find acceptance and reclaim your life.

The Grief Project

A collection of submissions about grief and LS from folks with LS.

Image of two hands making a square shape with their fingers. Inside the square, which makes it look like a video camera, is a graphic design of a YouTube video


Videos on all things lichen sclerosus. Educational videos + lifestyle and sexual health.

LS Resources

A dedicated page full of LS resources to support your journey.

FREE eBook – Three Key Things To Have In Place When You Have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus

Are you looking for a resource to help provide more stability and guidance on your Lichen Sclerosus journey? If so, you definitely want to check out my new eBook, “Three Key Things To Have In Place When You Have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus”. I’m offering it free of charge.

Here are three things you’ll learn from the eBook

Click the button below to learn more and get your copy now!

Information about Lichen Sclerosus

You will gain a strong understanding of Lichen Sclerosus knowledge. You will have an overview of the various treatment options available such as steroids, laser, PRP, phototherapy, etc., as well as what you need to know about vulvar cancer.

How To Choose A Proper Treatment Plan

You will feel empowered by the information you learn in the first chapter to choose a treatment plan that you feel comfortable with.

Lichen Sclerosus Support

Finally, you will learn how to put together a diverse support system to help you through your LS journey.

Person reading a tablet outside near a lake at sunset.


From followers of The Lost Labia Chronicles

With compassion and an open heart, Jacyn harnesses the power of her lived experience to make a difference to others on their LS journey. She is deeply sensitive to individualized learning styles and adapts her website and material to accommodate a broad range of needs. Jaclyn is an incredibly gifted young woman. As you read through her beautifully written pieces and watch her videos she makes you feel as though she is by your side, holding your hand. All at once she supports and demystifies. If you have found Jaclyn and the Lost Labia Chronicles, congratulations on no longer being on your own!

– Anonymous LS Warrior

Jaclyn manages to put into words many of the thoughts, feelings, fears (oh, so many fears), and questions, that come with a diagnosis of LS. She captures both the physical and often more importantly the mental health aspects of learning to live with LS. I am often surprised that she captures what has been on my mind. Her generosity in sharing her personal journey and speaking truthfully about LS provides much-needed hope and perspective.

– Joanne

I have been reading ‘TLLC’ right from the beginning (March 2021). I have gained so much valuable knowledge, information, and helpful tips from reading these blogs. Jaclyn covers many topics and explains things in a way that’s so easy to understand. Reading her blogs has helped me deal with LS in every way – physically, emotionally, and mentally. Jaclyn has surpassed her mission which is to provide support and hope to those with LS.

– Maria

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