
The Lost Labia Chronicles YouTube

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Scroll through and watch YouTube videos from The Lost Labia Chronicles. I do short, educational & evidence-based lichen sclerosus videos. I also have videos on LS and lifestyle, LS and mental health, and LS and sexual health.

Check back for video updates and/or subscribe to my channel so you are notified every time a new video is uploaded.

TLLC's YouTube Videos are Moving!

In January 2023, TLLC partnered with Lichen Sclerosus Support Network (LSSN). This means my new 2023 video posts will be published on LSSN’s page. For full details on what the partnership entails, watch this video.

Be sure to subscribe to LSSN’s YouTube Channel so you don’t miss my future videos!

Feature Video

Image of Jaclyn with her hair in a high ponytail, cat-wing black eyeliner and mauve lipstick wearing a blue and white floral dress. The text reads 'stay tuned, new video uploads every other week in black and the background is a mix of orange and purple.

Enjoying The Videos?

If so, be sure to check out my YouTube page and subscribe to my channel. Your subscribing helps my channel grow and reach a larger audience (which is crucial for LS awareness).

Image of a person from behind, with their harm raised and hand on their forehead looking out at a sunset on a beautiful lake.