TLLC Blog Posts

TLLC's blog is moving!

In January, 2023, TLLC partnered with Lichen Sclerosus Support Network (LSSN). This means my new 2023 blog posts will be published on LSSN’s page. For full details on what the partnership entails, watch this video.

Image of a person with long dark brown hair, sitting at a desk, with four hands pointing at her representing the topic of blame. The background is a pale blue, and the title "Self-Blame: Facing Your Inner Demon" is in black font at the bottom.

Self-Blame: Facing your Inner Demon

In this week’s post, I discuss the feelings of self-blame behind my compulsive vulva checking habit, how I overcame self-blame, a three-phased process for overcoming self-blame, and where I am now.

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I am often surprised that she captures what has been on my mind.”

Jaclyn manages to put into words many of the thoughts, feelings, fears (oh, so many fears), and questions, that come with a diagnosis of LS. She captures both the physical and often more importantly the mental health aspects of learning to live with LS. Her generosity in sharing her personal journey and speaking truthfully about LS provides much needed hope and perspective

Reading her blogs has helped me deal with LS in every way – physically, emotionally, and mentally. -Maria

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